
Frequently Asked Questions

A Selection of your Questions
How much are the tickets and where can we buy them?
The good news is that Classic Buses, Beer and Walks Weekend is free. Due to Ministry of Transport legislation we cannot charge for travel, however we do encourage the sale of programmes as it is the pricipal method of funding the event.
The bad news is that because we do not sell tickets, you cannot book them.
Do the buses have disabled access?
Unfortunately, as the majority of the buses are vintage and built in less enlightened times, they do not have disabled access.
Does the programme have details of the individually buses?
No. We produce a "vehicle supplement" which contains details of each bus and on which route they will be travelling. They are priced at £7 but discounted to £3 if purchased either with an event programme or on presentation of a programme (one per programme)
How do we know what beers each pub is offering?
Another "last minute" production is our "Beer List" which is free and handed out at various points during the event and also available on the website.
Are dogs allowed on the buses?
The official answer to this question is that it is entirely at the discretion of the driver. However, in practice, clean, well-behaved dogs are welcome. (same goes for OAPs).
Do you have the dates for 2022
The unconfirmed 2022 dates will be 8th and 9th October.

Beers and Buses database pages developed and maintained by tldesignworks. Isle of Wight Web Design.